I've been thinking that it isn't fair for me to blog here and wait for comments when I'm not able to read your blogs and comment. I've been blogging since 2008-how time flies-and I know that it is a close knit community of writers who share their thoughts. The key word there is share. When all I have time for is talking and not listening than that is useless in terms of community and personal interaction.
To that end I think I will suspend this daily blog-take a hiatus. Re-evaluate if what was right in 2008 is still good for 2012. The world is changing in the blink of an eye. I need to keep up or get out.
So, with much love and grateful thanks I am taking a breather. I will still write once a week at www.nancyjparra.blogspot.com. For now...
Take care my friends and thank you for all the joy. Cheers!