Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dec. 21

It is the first day of winter. I missed the lunar eclipse last night due to a snow storm, which is fitting I guess for the first day of winter. We only got between three and four inches of snow but then Mother Nature thought it would be fun to top that off with freezing drizzle. I pray for everyone out of the roads today. Thank goodness for salt truck guys. Be safe my friends!
Winter is the heart of darkness and despair can creep in, but it is also the miracle of returning light. Every day from now until summer we will get one more sliver of light in our day. Mother Nature is a miracle of hope, isn't she? And I am strangle sentimental today. :D
Cheers, my friends~
Let me know if you were able to see the eclipse.


  1. Sorry, it was cloudy here, so no eclipse!

  2. No eclipse here AT ALL, even though skies were clear and bright. Was a brilliant full moon though. Will be ages before we see an eclipse here in the southern tip of Africa again.

    Judy (South Africa)

  3. So sorry you all missed the eclipse, too.

    Judy, how is it having Christmas in Summer? I lived on Guam for two years. Christmas Day weather was the same as a July 25th day, because Guam is near the equator they only have two seasons, wet and wetter. lol Cheers~
