I'm critiquing pages for school. I enrolled for my final week and am looking forward to the walk across the stage and getting the piece of paper.
It is cool and gray here today, but the bland color of winter is gone. We have spring yellow/green leaves appearing on the trees, yellow daffodils, purple, white and blue crocuses, and the grass is coming in dark green. We may even need to mow next week. The frogs have returned to the waters, singing happily for a new mate. A giant rawhide dog bone appeared under a pine tree at the edge of the woods two days ago. I wondered if a stray dog or perhaps a coyote dropped it there. I noticed today it's gone. Makes you want to put out a camera to see what happens in the woods at night. Have a great day. Cheers~
I just read some BIG news all over my MRW chat loop about you. CONGRATS. Now I'm off to Facebook for more details.