Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept 16

I've completed the first draft of the middle grade book for boys. I've now started into the revisions. So far so good. I still really like it and in this business that's the best you can do. I hope to send it off to my beta readers (my nephews) this weekend and see what they have to say about it. Then more revisions and querying.

Meanwhile, the book I wrote last spring for Harlequin--which was rejected last month--is up on my desk. I'm going to add a 100 page subplot to make it a single title book and send it out to a couple of publishers to see if there is any interest in it. Never say never... :) Cheers!


  1. I've heard there aren't enough books for middle school boys, so you've got a good chance with that one!

    L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”

  2. I always find it harder to add into a manuscript than to cut. So, good luck Nancy!
