Friday, September 4, 2009

Sept 4

It's nice to be back in my office and on the Internet. I hadn't realized how much of my life depends on connection through the magical mystical airwaves. This is the official last Friday of summer here in the United States. As this weekend coming up is Labor Day- the second in the traditional three day weekends that bookend the summer season. So, I will be changing the website back to normal work day web design this weekend. Summer reading, summer day dreaming are behind us now. Cool days and the smell of burning leaves ahead.

I've found different seasons mean different writing moods and stories for me. How about you? Does a change in seasons affect how you work? Cheers!


  1. We'll still be in summer weather for a while here!

    L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”

  2. I always get more writing done in the summer. Perhaps because my husband is busy playing in his band at night. It seems odd to me that I do more during the warm months since I should be outside enjoying the weather and writing while it snows. The Christmas season always slows me down and I don't get much writing done between Thanksgiving and New Years Day.

    Happy Fall!

  3. I can't allow the seasons to interfere with my production (as Jack London said, "Don't wait for inspiration, go after it with a club."), but I do prefer autumn and winter. I feel more creative then, too.
