Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1

Happy Canada Day! and welcome to a new month. Here in the United States it's the big Independence Day weekend. We are lucky in that we can stay home and watch fireworks from both the front and the back of the house. We can see them through the windows and don't have to expose ourselves to heat and biting insects. I suppose that is half the fun, though, isn't it? To make a picnic that gets you outside. Where wasps attack your sugared desserts, ants enjoy your crumbs and mosquitoes enjoy your blood. They only take a little, right? LOL. We try to spend a lazy weekend in the heat and the humidity taking in outdoor concerts, fishing, swimming and running around. Someone suggested I get a hammock. I'm all for that. Ahh, the smell of bug spray and summer heat.
What are your plans for the weekend? For those in the throes of winter- please leave a comment to let us know how your weather is going. Cheers~

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