Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24

Why does the writing community "put down" small press writers? Readers don't care who publishes you. They care about a good story.
I suppose it is because some small presses don't properly edit and so the quality "seems" lower. But then again I've read some long time best sellers who needed a good editing. So is there really a quality issue or is it only perceived?
Well, books don't count unless you make big money- unless you hit a list. Wait- doesn't that hearken back to my Sunday blog about probability which showed that even when money is given at random people perceived that the person who was paid more was better somehow...
Okay, so you're better (read that as more important) if you're found in brick and mortar stores... except the biggest growing segment of today's market is online book stores. Plus, there are many self pubs in bookstores...and I know that Harlequin is perceived to be lower quality and they are in bookstores. (Notice I said perceived...they are a highly successful brand...) So, why the stigma in small press?
No offense, people tell me, but anyone can get published with your publishers...sigh. None taken, I reply. I wrote a good that found its market in small press. Oh, so you're "just" a small press writer...maybe...maybe not... markets change. If I can get my book into reader's hands, isn't that most important? Or should I hold on to my stories...stick them under the bed...don't let anyone read them unless I hit the "real publisher's" market? I've always said this and I mean it-and will continue to mean it when I hit a list- :)- If you've completed a story, polished and edited it. Congratulations! You are an author. Everything else is probability and luck and therefore does not diminish what you did.


  1. I love that point of view on the situation, Nancy. Thank you for sharing.

  2. You tell, 'em Nancy! And you're right - readers don't know the difference. Besides, I've seen some rally big publishers select and promote as best-sellers some really bad books. And I've read that out of ten 'promoted' as best-sellers, only one achievs that status. Interesting...

    L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”

  3. Funny how people always have to rank each other...part of human nature I suppose, but it drives me batty sometimes. :)
