Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18

Tomorrow I won't post a blog because I'll be taking my darling daughter (dd) to college. Very exciting, big day complete with an in total five hour drive. The last thing I'll want to do when I get home is to sit down at the computer. :D
I know many people who are taking their kids to school this week. Some are seeing them off to preschool or kindergarten for the first time, some to college. All big steps for both the parent and the children. Emotions run high for both parents and kids as any kind of change no matter how welcome and fun is stressful. Know that I'm thinking of you and you are not alone.
For those readers lucky enough not to notice that anything is different in the next few weeks, I hope your weather is cooler and you slow down when driving through school zones.
I'll try not to be too melancholy when I post on Friday about how awesome it is to live in a house with no kids...
;) Cheers~