Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb. 1

Another new month and it is thankfully the shortest month of the year. We have snow storm warnings, blizzard warnings and are expecting upwards of two feet of snow. We measured little dog last night. She is only 15 inches high. She will drown in that much snow. Everyone is excited, expectant and either happy or worried over the weather. It does narrow our focus from the disasters of the world, for example the possible change of government in Egypt and the massive storms and flooding in Australia to what is happening outside our own doorstep. It's a great metaphor for looking at your writing. To focus from the overall story and plot line to the scene you are currently working on. I wrote about this in my Tuesday craft blog. Hop over if you are interested in reviewing basic scene structure. I've been writing a long time and I still find a good review of basic structure important to improving my work. In the meantime, if you have to be out and about, please stay safe. Cheers~

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