Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oct. 26

We are blowing away in the wind today. I've been lucky with only wind and rain. So far we still have power and no tornado warnings, although many others in the Midwest are feeling this giant storm. Thank goodness it's not cold enough to be snow or it would be crazy blizzard conditions.
I have managed to turn in all my homework for the semester. I still await pages from my group to critique and may need to do an end-of-term eval, but the hard part is mostly over. I'm working on a thriller partial for my agent. I have an idea for a cozy mystery I want to partial and send her and yesterday I received an opportunity to audition to write for a co-op. So, I have three fifty page partials to write in the next two months and if all goes well, three full manuscripts to write this Spring. Wouldn't that be fun? :D


1 comment:

  1. If you have time to write that much, it does sound like fun!
