Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20

There is a snowy egret stalking little fishes and frogs along the edge of the lake. It is gorgeous white bird with long thin legs. I see so many wonders from my office window. Despite the cold and predictions of more snow, the grass is a deep green and thick. We will have to mow this weekend for the first time. Spring has sprung. I remember two years ago telling you how my crazy neighbor was mowing around the snow banks. All these little details can bring humor and charm to a story. I collect them and hold them dear to my heart. It also gives you an appreciation for the present moment and the life you live.

I hope your week is going well. Please leave any good news in comments- let me know what you see from your window. Cheers~


  1. We're very warm, humid, and set to get more violent storms. I want to live where you live!

  2. My husband and I saw a pure white heron on Sunday. I would've guessed it was en egrite but its legs were way too long. Or maybe it was an egrite after all. I need to learn my birds better!

    Right now, out my window, I see a small wren pecking around in the brown and green grass.

  3. L. Diane- stay safe in the storms!! I can't decide if the cold and snow are better at this point or not. Too bad we can't create the weather the way we want it.

    Linda- I think it was an egret. I am constantly looking up birds on line because I swear I've never seen one of those before. lol. Cheers~
