Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22

It's Good Friday and Earth Day~ I forgot to mention Passover this week as well. Such a busy week. My niece gave birth to a 4 pound 8 ounce preemie, Emilia Lyn. (I hope I got the spelling correct.) It's a lovely name. The baby was four weeks early and needs to be watched until she gets up to five pounds. Mama is doing well.

Do you observe Earth Day? I have always recycled and been thoughtful in my purchases. I watched a video about a family who could hold three months worth of garbage in a quart bag. She bought everything in bulk and brought her own glass containers to the store- even for the meat. They used compost-able toothbrushes and made their own soap and toothpaste and deodorant. That to me is a lot of effort. I'd just like to see people recycle their plastic pop bottle, aluminium cans and glass containers. Little bits are helpful- so don't feel as if you have to go extreme to help the earth. Even simply walking to the store helps. Cheers~

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