Thursday, February 11, 2010

Feb. 11

Things have calmed down here- no further snow. The sun is out today and the birds are out in force. I can hear the robin, a red-wing black bird, blue jays and a cardinal. Snow or not, the birds are thinking about Spring and territory and babies. Unfortunately they'll have to wait until the snow melts out of the nests.
If you're writing a novel, do you take note of the seasons? One of the workshop presenters at the residency suggested that you visit your location once in every season and take note of your surroundings. A sort of crib sheet on what the light is like, how the wind sounds, what birds are out, what smells, plants, etc. then keep the crib sheet handy for anchoring your novel setting in reality. I sort of like the idea of taking four research trips. Maybe someday I will. In the meantime, I have my window and the view from my neck of the woods. cheers~

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